The City of Solon is a welcoming community that celebrates its diversity. There are numerous restaurants, grocery options, and other local businesses within a short drive of Solon Community Living. The neighborhood will be conveniently located near city amenities including the Solon Community Center, library, city parks, and shopping.
Over the course of a day, residents of SCL will be out in the community at day programs, working or volunteering, exploring other interests, or meeting up with friends.
Solon Community Living also plans to offer a variety of learning and recreation options for residents and their families.

EEE programming (Entertainment/Education/Enrichment) will enhance residents’ overall quality of life.
Based on residents’ interests, our Community Director will coordinate enjoyable neighborhood activities that will bolster engagement and camaraderie. The community room and outdoor gathering spaces will serve as places for everyone to come together. Luckily, SCL is located across the street from the Solon Community Center so residents will have access to all its amenities.
Blue Ribbon Adapted Recreation at the Solon Community Center offers a wide variety of programs for individuals with disabilities, such as field trips, in-person and online classes, and recreation opportunities available for free or at a low cost. Numerous activities are also available for all Solon residents through the Solon Parks & Recreation Department. The Solon Center for the Arts has also started adapted classes for dance, acting, and the arts. Some other options offered at the Solon Community Center or nearby include Empower Sports (adapted sports), Horvitz YouthAbility (volunteer & vocational opportunities, social enrichment), and LEAP (Wellness/exercise/
Families are responsible for coordinating direct care staff for their loved ones, but the Community Director and RAs will strive to involve residents, families, and staff in a variety of activities both on and off the SCL property. Community spirit and resident engagement are core SCL principles where no one should feel left out.
EDUCATION – Family Readiness
Moving into one’s own home is a life-changing event and requires careful planning and many important decisions.
To help families achieve success and get residents ready to live at SCL, the Family Readiness curriculum will help families develop legal, financial, care, and life plans for their loved one.
Topics such as guardianship, STABLE accounts, estate planning and trust options, Medicaid waivers, and Life Planning will be covered, and families will be guided through this process. The legal, financial, care, and life plans completed by participating in Family Readiness will be required for the final application to live at SCL.
SCL intends to offer continuing education for families after move-in about relevant issues and families may also request additional topics of interest.


Depending on residents’ interests and abilities, a variety of programs for growth and personal development will be provided encouraging peer-to-peer support and learning. Tips on social engagement, problem-solving, functional living skills, and budgeting are some examples. For instance, a teaching kitchen will be available where everyone might prepare and eat a meal together.
SCL hopes to implement meaningful, structured activities so that as residents become more comfortable, their skill sets, health and wellness, confidence, self-esteem, and social skills will increase.